Lovelines Crisis Centre

The Crisis Centre

The Good News to the Nations Crisis Centre is our telephone-counselling ministry. People with counselling needs can either phone-in or come to our office and obtain free counselling on many issues including:

The Crisis Centre came into being by God's direction on April 2, 2002 after the Director of Good News to the Nations, Ms Elizabeth Fosu, met the Director of the Love Lines Crisis Center of St Paul's, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. Prior to this meeting, which occured during the Amsterdam 2000 conference, Good News to the Nations only did Street Outreach Counselling sessions.

Positive Results

Over the years, by God's grace, we have had the opportunity to be instrumental in bringing deliverance to those suffering from affliction. Some of those who benefitted from the counselling offered at the Good News-Lovelines Crisis Centre graciously have testified about the life-changing counselling they obtained and graciously allowed us to publish their testimony to the glory of God Rev. 12:11 And they overcame him (Satan) by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death. [KJV] . These testimonies are on our testimonies page.