Good News to the Nations

Welcome to the website of Good News to the Nations, Inc. We are a non-profit Christian ministry based in Ghana. Our ministry seeks to share the love of Christ with all people. We also seek to provide social health improvement services in Ghana, to all needy people, irrespective of their religious beliefs. These services include counselling for abused and hurting people, HIV/AIDS patients, and orphans. Thus while we continue to spread the Gospel of Christ Jesus to all, we also seek to provide the many afflicted and hurting people living in our communities with the love and caring that is missing in today's society.

For more information about what we do, please take a look at our mission statement, our outreach programs and our plans for the future.

For further correspondence, please use our contact form. If you are touched by what we are doing and would like to help us in continuing this work, please contact us to make a donation. We will be putting up a more comprehensive list of our needs and those of the people we minister to. Thank you and God richly bless you.